CIM Journal


CIM Journal

The CIM Journal  is a quarterly digital publication for peer-reviewed technical papers available to all CIM National Members for free and to non-members for a fee. Papers cover all facets of the mining and minerals industry, including geology, mining, processing, metallurgy, materials, maintenance, environmental protection and reclamation, mineral economics, project management, health and safety, risk management, research and development, operations, and regulatory practices and issues.

As of 2020, the CIM Journal  is being published by Taylor & Francis. The editorial process remains the same. CIM National Members continue to have free access to the journal, but new papers are now hosted on the CIM Journal site at Taylor & Francis. Papers published prior to 2020 can be found on the CIM Technical Paper Library or on OneMine.

To ensure you can access this CIM Member benefit, please ensure you are logged in to your CIM account.

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Member Spotlight

Sebastian Avalos Sotomayor

Co-Founder, CTO & Principal Consultant

We need strong partnerships between industry, academia, and government to come up with environmentally and socially conscious solutions in mining. The CIM community is a fundamental link in these partnerships.