John T. Ryan Safety Trophies
2020John T. Ryan Safety Trophies
2019John T. Ryan Safety Trophies
2018John T. Ryan Safety Trophies
2017John T. Ryan Safety Trophies
2016John T. Ryan Safety Trophies
2015John T. Ryan Safety Trophies
2014John T. Ryan Safety Trophies
2013John T. Ryan Safety Trophies
Vale’s Voisey’s Bay Mine and Concentrator operations are located on the north coast of Labrador. Voisey's Bay has been producing nickel-copper-cobalt from an open-pit operation since 2005. The future of Voisey’s Bay involves the transition from open-pit to underground with the development of two underground mines—Reid Brook and Eastern Deeps—extending the life of Vale's Labrador Operations well into the future. Vale’s operations in the province of Newfoundland and Labrador are an integrated mining, milling, and processing operation; nickel concentrate produced at Voisey's Bay is processed at Vale's Long Harbour hydrometallurgical facility in Newfoundland, one of the world's lowest emission nickel processing plants. Vale is a proud local operator in Newfoundland and Labrador and enjoys a long and collaborative relationship with its Aboriginal/Indigenous partners, Innu Nation & Nunatsiavut Government, on whose traditional lands the Voisey's Bay Complex is located.