John T. Ryan Safety Trophies
2022John T. Ryan Safety Trophies
2021John T. Ryan Safety Trophies
2017John T. Ryan Safety Trophies
2014John T. Ryan Safety Trophies
2013John T. Ryan Safety Trophies
Nickel Rim South Mine (NRS) is a 1.3Mtpy underground hard rock mine, located within the City of Greater Sudbury, Ontario. Operating at depths between 1,100-1,720 metres below surface, NRS has been producing nickel and copper ore streams since 2010 (including minor amounts of cobalt, gold, silver, platinum and palladium) through the application of transverse blasthole mining methods (bulk mining). The current life of mine is Q1 2024 and the site employs approximately 280 direct employees. The site has been ISO 14001 Certified since 2014, and its underground mobile shop has achieved the CAT 5 Star contamination control award 11 years consecutively (2013 – 2023).
NRS has demonstrated its continued commitment to operational safety excellence across all levels of the organization and credits its success due to the collaboration, engagement and openness of its workforce, JHSC committee, supervision and management in achieving a common goal – Safe Work.