John T. Ryan Safety Trophies
2016John T. Ryan Safety Trophies
Glencore’s Fraser Mine is a 650,000 Tonne/year underground hard rock mine, located in Onaping, within the City of Greater Sudbury, Ontario. Operating at depths between 1,100-1,700 metres below surface, Fraser Mine has been producing nickel and copper ore streams since the 1960’s (including cobalt, gold, silver, platinum and palladium as by-products). Fraser Mine has a long history of blasthole mine, cut and fill mining, and transverse longhole mining methods (bulk mining). The site has been ISO 14001 Certified since 2005. Its current life of mine is the end of 2025 and the site employs approximately 337 permanent employees. Fraser Mine has demonstrated its continued commitment to operational safety excellence across all levels of the organization and credits its success to the collaboration, engagement and openness of its workforce, the Joint Health and Safety (JHSC) committee, supervision and management in achieving a common goal – Safe Work.
Fraser Mine was the recipient of the John T. Ryan Safety Trophy (Regional Ontario Metal Mine) in 2016. The milestone of receiving John T. Ryan Safety Trophy (National Metal Mine) for 2024 demonstrates the workforce’s dedication to safety.