James (Jim) Walker completed BSc and PhD degrees at the University of New Brunswick. His career with the New Brunswick Geological Survey (NBGS) began with regional bedrock mapping and mineral deposit studies in northern NB; he now serves as the manager of NBGS North in Bathurst.
He is a member of the Association Professional Engineers and Geoscientists New Brunswick; a fellow of both Geoscientists Canada and the Society of Economic Geologists; he is a councillor and former president of the Atlantic Geoscience Society (AGS), and he served 17 years on the executive of the Mineral Deposits Division, Geological Association of Canada (GAC). He served on the organizing committees of numerous events including the LOCs for two GAC/MAC annual meetings, several AGS colloquia, and the International Applied Geochemistry Symposium (IAGS). He has authored or contributed to several field trip guidebooks for GAC, IAGS, New Brunswick Prospectors and Developers Association and Northeast Intercollegiate Geological Conference field meetings.
Walker is an associate editor (geology) with the CIM Journal. He was on the local organizing committee and a guidebook author for the CIM Field conference (Bathurst’93). He has authored several papers in a special issue devoted to the Bathurst Mining Camp in CIM’s Exploration and Mining Geology journal (2006). He chaired the CIM Mineral Exploration Session held in conjunction with the annual NB Exploration Mining and Petroleum Conference (2009 through 2023). He presented at several CIM Bathurst mini-conventions, and more recently contributed as an organizer-guidebook author and field trip leader (2015 through 2019) and was an organizer and presenter in the NB Branch-CIM Virtual conference in 2022.