Mining Engineering Outstanding Achievement Award
Jim Gusek of Linkan Engineering has 49 years of wide-ranging experience in mining-related projects, with a focus on environmental issues. Since graduating from the Colorado School of Mines with a B.Sc. in mining engineering, he has completed dozens of mined land remediation projects, many of which included the design of constructed wetlands for treating mining influenced water. Since 1988, Gusek has advanced the understanding of how passive treatment systems work. In the process, he became an internationally recognized authority and is considered a pioneer in this sustainable technology. Sharing knowledge is a professional credo; over his career, he presented or published dozens of technical papers and taught short courses at mining conferences. He is especially proud of his two versions of the “Periodic Table of Passive Treatment” in 2009 and 2013. In the past 12 years, he has focused his engineering efforts on advancing proven 40-year-old bactericide technologies that prevent acid rock drainage (ARD).