CIM Toronto Branch


CIM Toronto Branch


Mel W. Bartley Outstanding Branch Award


Mel W. Bartley Outstanding Branch Award


Mel W. Bartley Outstanding Branch Award


Mel W. Bartley Outstanding Branch Award

Curtis Clarke (left) and Kurt Breede (right) pictured at the CIM Toronto Branch sponsored 2019 PDAC Mining Matters Hockey Tournament

The CIM Toronto Branch boasts an active and supportive group of members and corporate sponsors across the GTA. Its activities centre on luncheons in the Financial District on topics of interest to the C-Suite, financial/legal sectors, technical community and ESG. The Branch invests in youth through sponsorship of three student chapters and the recent creation of, and five-year commitment to, annual mine site tours for students of natural resources and minerals. Built on the committed efforts of its Executive volunteers, the Toronto Branch continues to evolve, improve and grow.

Branch activities are organized and carried out by a group of enthusiastic and engaged volunteers from across the broader mining community, including consulting, products and services, mining and exploration. The 2020 Branch Executive is led by its Chair, Kurt Breede, Principal of Metallica Consulting, who in February took over from past Chair, Curtis Clarke, Senior Mining Consultant of Golder Associates.