Mining 101


Mining 101

06 June 2024

Level up your mining knowledge

Our industry is constantly evolving, with new technologies, regulations and best practices emerging all the time yet basic concepts remain the same. To stay ahead of the curve, advance your career, or refresh your knowledge, ongoing professional development is crucial.

This is where our online course, Mining 101: An introduction to mining short course, comes in.

This course is designed for anyone working in the mining sector, from recent graduates to seasoned practitioners. Whether you're a geologist, engineer, operations manager, or someone looking to make a career change into mining, this course will answer your questions and offer a multi-faceted view into the industry.

Mining 101 is an eight-hour short course presented by George McIsaac. George is a mining engineer and a mineral economist with 40 years’ experience in industry, research and development, consulting and teaching. He specializes in the economics of the mine, combining design, planning, costing, and cash flow estimation, to optimize mine operations and exploration activities.

George has presented Mining 101 at the CIM convention for the past ten years, but this popular course is now available year-round on CIM Academy. Mining 101 is an on-demand course. Once accessed, all the modules will be available to you for one year to watch and review as much as needed.

What You'll Learn:

Mining 101 is made up of the following six modules:

1) The mining cycle
The work done, the time involved, and the capital required for a mine to produce, as well as key factors that influence it.

2) Aspects of geology
Geological history of the Earth, role of plate tectonics, Canadian geology and types of deposit.

3) Resources estimation and reporting
Main sources of error and how to mitigate them, classification systems, modeling, best practice guidelines developed by CIM, NI 43-101 and Qualified Persons.

4) Open pit mining
Design considerations, extraction sequence of the hard rock and mobile equipment.

5) Underground mining
Mobile equipment, shafts & hoists and mining methods.

6) Mineral processing
Size reduction, concentration and metal extraction.

After you finish this course, you will know the "hows”:

  • How mineralization is formed
  • How we look for it
  • How we estimate and report the resources
  • How we mine the ore
  • How we process it
  • How we extract the metals

This short course is designed for anyone new to mining, as a refresher, for soft skills development, for mining analysts, government officials, First Nations and executives. It features a flexible format that allows you to learn at your own pace, on your own schedule.

Access it on CIM Academy today and invest in your future!