Angela Hamlyn appointed Executive Director of CIM


Angela Hamlyn appointed Executive Director of CIM

03 January 2018

Angela Hamlyn will be the new Executive Director (ED) of CIM effective January 1, 2018.

Ms. Hamlyn, who has been serving as Interim ED for the last seven months, has been with CIM since 2007, first as Editor-in-Chief of CIM Magazine and then Director of Communication, Publications, Web and IT for eight years.

“I am very honoured to be given the opportunity to lead CIM into the next stage of our exciting evolution,” said Hamlyn. “I look forward to building on the strong bonds forged during our rich history, while embracing new possibilities for growth and positive transformation going forward.”

The ED Search Committee short-listed five applicants, then two, from over 60 applications received. From these two, Ms. Hamlyn was selected as the preferred candidate. “Angela brings to the position intimate knowledge of CIM and its members, creative vision, strong project management and networking skills. In addition, CIM is now well placed going forward, the CIM Montreal office having been re-structured in the last several months,” said CIM President Ken Thomas.  

As CIM prepares to celebrate its 120th anniversary, President Elect Janice Zinck declares, “We are entering a new era and are fully confident in Angela’s creative leadership and strategic vision as CIM embarks on a dynamic transformation.”