Draft CIM IM BP Guidelines document available for industry comment


Draft Industrial Minerals Guidelines document available for industry comment

16 February 2023

The Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves (MRMR) Committee develops and defines the standards, best practices and guidelines that are intended to foster greater standardization of reporting within the public domain, specifically under NI 43-101. These standards provide a benchmark for both companies and Qualified Persons in discharging their responsibilities. MRMR’s mandate includes maintaining and updating of the standards and guidelines, including the Industrial Minerals Best Practice Guidelines (“IM BP Guidelines”), and to undertake a program of industry and CIM member consultation prior to submitting updates to CIM Council for approval.

The current version of the IM BP Guidelines was accepted by the CIM Council on November 23, 2003. Over the past several years the MRMR Committee has carried out a review and proposed update of the IM BP Guidelines. The proposed changes to the IM BP Guidelines reflect current views of leading practices in respect of the preparation of Mineral Resource and Mineral Reserve estimates for industrial mineral deposits.

The MRMR Committee is circulating a draft of the proposed changes and updates to the IM BP Guidelines and is soliciting public review and comment. Copies of the draft version of the proposed updated document in PDF format are available for downloading and review here.

Interested parties are invited to submit comments and suggestions by Friday, April 14, 2023.

How to submit detailed comments:

Comments via the spreadsheet are preferred to manage the large number of comments; however, if you are having significant challenges with the spreadsheet, please submit your comments via the General Comment box below or in the PDF version.

Please note that you need Microsoft Excel installed on your computer in order to proceed.

  1. Click on this link: CIM-Industrial-Minerals-Best-Practice-Guidelines-Comments-Sheet
  2. Go to File > Save As > Download to download a copy to your computer.  
  3. Open the Excel file that has been saved to your computer.
  4. Each worksheet in the Excel file corresponds to a section of the document. Please ensure you click through all the worksheets.
  5. Each paragraph of the document has a number, which appears in Column A. This number corresponds to the paragraph number in the PDF version of document, which you can download below. The text of the document is in Column B. Please do not make any changes to Column B. Instead, enter your comments in Column C. Also note that space has been provided at the end of every worksheet for additional comments.
  6. When you are ready to submit your comments, please complete this online form and add the Excel file as an attachment.

Please view or download the draft document in PDF format to see the appendices and view the document in published form.

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